Lyon healy serial numbers
Lyon healy serial numbers

lyon healy serial numbers

Can you giveme a little history about this mandolin,what it’s worth, and why thevalue seems to be so low?Thanks,Peter in Akron, OhioHi Peter,I’m glad to hear that your grandfatherheld onto this instrument for so manyyears! I do know thatMartin is a famous guitar maker,but looking online, their mandolinsdon’t seem to be worth that much,which surprises me. We came across this Martinmandolin that had been in storagefor many years, and my grandfathertold me it belonged to his father.The only numbers on the instrumentare 129# and no one in myfamily really knows anything aboutstringed instruments. This1926 Style A features aspruce top, engravedtailpiece, and ebonyfretboard and bridge.The back, sides,and neck ofthis 1926 StyleA are constructedfrommahogany.In excellentcondition, themandolin iscurrently valuedbetween $800and $1,000.Hey Zach,My grandparents are moving intoan apartment and my family is helpingthem with the move out of theirhouse. Produced between 1914and 1995, Martin’s StyleA mandolin was oneof the company’s mostpopular models. I ask because we are inheriting a big beautiful old upright from 1910 from a relative and need to figure out what to do with our current piano (the Lyon and Healy). Specifically I'd like to learn more about it - age, value, redeeming qualities. Hello, I've recently acquired a Lyon & Healy upright piano and would like to learn more about it. It is missing tuner knob covers on the back. It has scuffs and what, I would consider, to be normal, age appropriate wear. Early 1900's, possibly Brazilian Rosewood.

Lyon healy serial numbers